Burggraf Roofing

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Different Types of Secondary Damage Caused by a Roofing Leak

Roofing Leak Tulsa, OK


Few things are more frustrating for homeowners than a leaking roof. Unfortunately, roof damage isn’t the only thing you have to worry about when you have a leak. There are several types of secondary damage caused by a roofing leak.

This is why you should act quickly and take roof leaks seriously. If you get your roof fixed fast enough, you can avoid spending more money on further home repairs.

In this guide, we’re going to break down the types of damage that a leak in your roofing can cause so you can know what to expect and how to avoid it. Let’s get started.


1. Stains On Your Walls

If the leaking roof lets water in your home, it can potentially travel down the back of your drywall. When this happens, rainwater leaves stains and discoloration on your walls that no homeowner wants. Worst case scenario, your walls start to grow mold and mildew.

2. Ceiling Damage

Just like your walls, your ceiling can become severely damaged by rainwater. The difference is that your ceiling could actually collapse if it withstands enough water. Plus, you also have the risk of mold and mildew growing here too.

3. Damaged Floors

No matter what kind of floors you have, they can experience secondary roof damage. If you have hardwood floors, high amounts of moisture can warp your beams, which means they will start to buckle and become uneven. Hardwood is particularly difficult and costly to repair.

You aren’t in the clear with carpet or laminate flooring either. Carpet can become soaked and damaged past repair, and laminate can become structurally damaged by water. Plus, if the water gets to your subflooring, repairing your floors only becomes more expensive.

4. Damp Insulation

Insulation damage affects your whole house, and water can even cause black mold to grow on your insulation. Your attic insulation is the most at risk when you have a leaking roof. However, if the leak is significant, it will make its way into your ceiling and wall insulation as well.

Depending on the damage, your wet insulation may need to be completely replaced.

5. Structural Problems

Some of your home’s main structural components include the following:

  • Wood rafters and framing
  • Beams
  • Roof sheathing
  • Bracing elements
  • Roof decking

All of these components can be impacted by secondary roof damage, and they are all costly to repair. Additionally, you may have mold or wood rot to worry about.

6. Damage to Your Home’s Foundation

We don’t usually think foundation damage will occur from a leaking roof since it is at the opposite end of the house. However, if your floor is severely damaged by water, it can seep into your foundation and cause irreparable issues.

Plus, a faulty overflowing gutter could lead water to your foundation. Foundation repairs are costly and incredibly inconvenient. You may be forced out of your home while the foundation is getting replaced, which adds another level of stress.

7. Damage to Your Personal Property

If the roof leak is significant, it can trickle all the way down to the contents of your home. That includes furniture, artwork, appliances, electronics, clothes, and more. If you have precious mementos stored in your garage, they can quickly become damaged.

Furniture can be replaced; however, heirloom pieces or original artwork would be a tragic loss. Replacing appliances and electronics is also expensive and time-consuming.

8. Damaged Electrical System

If water gets into your electrical outlets, the chance of a painful electrical shock is high. Plus, your home would become an overall unsafe place to be. If this happens, hire an electrician immediately to fix the water damage.

9. Pipe Corrosion

Your pipes, or any metal materials in the structure of your home, should not be exposed to too much water. When they are, they can quickly become rusted and corroded. Eventually, this damage can break down the metal, which could lead to a burst pipe.


How to Avoid Secondary Damage Caused by a Roofing Leak

As you can see, secondary damage caused by a roofing leak can lead to serious issues. This includes expensive and time-consuming repairs, property loss, and dangerous living situations.

The best way to avoid a disaster is to properly maintain your roof. If you suspect any issues or shingle damage, have a roofer inspect it immediately. If your roof starts to leak, take care of the issue right away to avoid further damages.

The post Different Types of Secondary Damage Caused by a Roofing Leak appeared first on Burggraf Roofing of Tulsa OK.

source https://burggrafroofing.com/different-types-of-secondary-damage-caused-by-a-roofing-leak/

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